My Favourite Green Juice

Updated 07/12/2024

I recently got a juicer. After years of small kitchens where every piece of equipment needed to be vital, we finally have a bigger kitchen and I can order all the kitchen equipment I want. Having a juicer has been on my list for years and I’m delighted to try different recipes.

The most important principle I have whenever I’m preparing a juice is: “Smoothie your fruit, Juice your vegetables”. When you think about the chemical composition of fruit vs vegetables it makes sense.

Fruit juices are sweet for a reason: their sugar content which might spike up your blood sugar levels. Don’t get me wrong, I believe fruit is amazing and I recommend it to everyone. Fruit juices require a bit more attention to make sure you don’t experience a sugar crush after consuming it. I drink fruit juices and I prefer them in the morning as their energy fuels my yoga practice and routine.

When you juice vegetables, their goodness becomes more available for your digestive system, giving you a boost of nutrients. There are a couple of vegetables and plants that only through juicing you get most of their nutrients compared to other processing methods, such as carrots, wheatgrass, kale, beetroot, cucumber, tomatoes and many more.

Whenever I juice vegetables, I like to put one piece of fruit which is about 10% of the amount of ingredients. If I have sweet porridge or pancakes for breakfast, I might skip the fruit only from a taste perspective as I don’t enjoy eating too many sweet things at once.

The recipe below is one of my favourite fruit juice recipes and I prepare it a couple of times a week. It’s so good I don’t want to try another kind of recipe yet even though I prepare a mean carrot-ginger juice. It contains one piece of fruit as I really love kiwi in this combination, but if you have to look after your blood sugar levels, this juice will be unbelievable even without this piece of fruit.

The Unbeliveable Green Juice

Diana Sutac | Healthy Green Juice

Ingredients for 200ml of juice:

  • 4-5 celery sticks

  • ½ cucumber

  • 2cm ginger root

  • optional: 1 kiwi


  1. Chop the ingredients according to the instructions for your juicer.

  2. Juice, juice baby.

  3. Wash the juicer right away to avoid staining.

  4. Drink the juice within 15min or place it in a dark airtight container in a cold place and consume it within 12 hours.


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