Tropical Breakfast - Coconut & Mango Porridge


I’ve been raving about how much I love breakfast food in other entries I wrote. If I have a great and nourishing breakfast, I feel I can conquer the world. As I work at LinkedIn, the everyday breakfast there is amazing and I can choose from a lot of plant-based options, such as porridge, fruit, seeds, soy yogurt, overnight oats, or a good ol’ peanut butter (or almond) sandwich on a selection of great breads baked in house. Over the past couple of weeks I have been working more from home partly because of my “possible endometriosis“ diagnosis and because of covid-19. The silver lining of spending more time inside is the fact that I get the chance to cook more, take photos in natural light and research more the ingredients.

I like to prepare my porridge with water, a few goji berries and a Medjool date. By doing this, I won’t need any maple syrup of coconut sugar on top. Also, I buy all my ingredients from organic stores and markets to make sure I get the most qualitative products I can find on the market. Organic fruit, veggies and nuts are tastier, healthier and totally worth the extra buck. If you can and have them around, don’t hesitate and just buy organic from local sources.

The “possible endometriosis“ diagnostic pushed me into doing more research about what food and supplements I should take as I said no to the usual hormonal treatment for someone who might have it. After a coaching session with a Menstruality Coach (find one in your area here), I decided to supplement my diet with Zinc, Magnesium and Omega-3, next to the Iron and Shatavari ones I was already taking. During my research I discovered “seed cycling“ so this is the first month when I’m actually giving it a go. Long story short: eat 1 tbs pumpkin seeds and 1 tbs flaxseeds (organic, ground) during the first 14 days of your cycle and eat 1 tbs sunflower seeds and 1 tbs sesame seeds (organic, ground) after ovulation until the last day of your cycle. I love eating all seeds & nuts and I am committed to follow the seed cycling routine for a couple of months while developing recipes for anyone else out there who is also looking to try seed cycling.

I called this porridge tropical because so many of my friends and colleagues are cancelling travel plan because of the virus outbreak. If you cannot be in a tropical oasis right now, why not eat some tropical food and blast some ukulele music? Check my recipe below and let me know what you think!


Tropical Breakfast - Coconut & Mango Porridge


serves 1

  • 1/2 cup oats

  • 1 cup filtered water

  • 1 Medjool date de-seeded

  • 1 Tbs goji berries

  • 1 Tbs pumpkin seeds, ground

  • 1 Tbs flaxseeds, ground

  • 1/2 ripe mango, cubbed

  • 2 Tbs coconut flakes

  • 2 Tbs coconut yogurt

  • 1/2 tsp chia seeds


  • Place a pan on the stove and add the porridge, water, goji berries and the date. Turn on the stove to medium heat and live it to cook for a couple of minutes, stirring every now and then.

  • Once cooked, took from the heat and add the porridge to a bowl.

  • Next to the porridge add the cubbed mango, coconut yogurt, ground seeds, coconut flakes and chia seeds.

  • Enjoy a Tropical Breakfast even if outside is raining!


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